Monday, June 28, 2010

Why start your day out with this???

Coffee is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Drinking coffee inhibits the release of natural brain opiates (that make you feel good and counteracts pain). Women need all the natural brain opiates their bodies can muster up, especially around the menstrual period and not to mention childbirth (which is very painful due to the inordinate decrease of opiates in the modern American woman). Coffee may rev you up for a while, but is sure to bring down as well (making you crave more of it, after all, it is a drug, at least in the state that we use it today). Excessive consumption of coffee causes shaking and trembling of the hands due to nervousness. Coffee greatly impairs the nervous system.

Coffee also kills the adrenal glands. Nearly everyone in America has shot-out adrenal glands!

Coffee revs up these glands, but also brings them down. Anything that goes up and then down taxes the body.

Coffee contains the stimulant caffeine. This is dead caffeine, unlike bio-active caffeine found in green tea, black tea, yerba mat, guarana, and kola nut. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that is followed by a depressed phase resulting in exhaustion, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, and often headache. Caffeine constricts blood vessels of the brain and causes decreased flow of blood which cuts the oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in gradual brain damage. It also increases your heartbeat 15% and makes your lungs work 13 times harder than normal. It greatly plays a role in fatigue as well.

The volatile oil in caffeine called caffeol is an irritant to the lining of the stomach and causes poor digestion.

Another chemical in this liquid drug is caffeo-tannic acid. This chemical is used in tanning leather. It is an irritating astringent to the cells lining the stomach and intestines and also destroys the pepsin in the gastric (stomach) juice needed to digest protein.

Coffee is a drug! Do you know why coffee is freely given in corporate America? Because it makes people work and perform efficiently by speeding up the brain so that jobs can get the best productivity out of their workers (slaves). People mainly drink coffee in the morning, at least 3 cups (over 400+ mg of caffeine) by noon. But by noon, they are mentally shot and drained, which explains why job productivity decreases around noontime in America. The workers will then get their caffeine kick or hit from drinking soda pop (coke, pepsi, etc.) and/or eating chocolate, which is also why you see these vending machines that sell sodas and chocolates in corporate America.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Natural Coffee Made From Okra?

Yes, that is correct. During the civil war, when coffee rations ran low soldiers would make a coffee substitute from Okra. XOFFEE is the first commercially produced and available coffee substitute made from Okra. Check out some of the health benefits of Okra:

1. The superior fiber found in okra helps to stabilize the blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.
2. Okra's mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver.
3. Okra helps lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools. This helps prevent and improve constipation. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra's mucilage soothes, and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic. Okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids). These, if not evacuated, will cause numerous health problems. Okra also assures easy passage out of waste from the body. Okra is completely non-toxic, non-habit forming, has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most individuals unlike over-the-counter drugs.
4. Okra fiber is excellent for feeding the good bacteria (probiotics). This contributes to the health of the intestinal tract.

5. Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression.
6. Okra is used for healing ulcers and to keep joints limber. It helps to neutralize acids, being very alkaline, and provides a temporary protective coating for the digestive tract.
7. Okra treats lung inflammation, sore throat, and irritable bowel syndrome.
8. Okra has been used successfully in experimental blood plasma replacements.
9. Okra is good for summer heat treatment.
10. Okra is good for constipation.

11. Okra is good in normalizing the blood sugar and cholesterol level.
12. Okra is good for asthma. Okra's vitamin C is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which curtail the development of asthma symptoms.
13. Okra is good for atherosclerosis.
14. Okra is believed to protect some forms of cancer expansion, especially colorectal cancer.
15. Eating okra helps to support the structure of capillaries.
16. Some information shows that eating okra lowers the risk of cataracts.
17. Okra is good for preventing diabetes.
18. Okra protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin. We understand the reason why Cleopatra and Yang Guifei loved to eat okra.

There are other medicinal uses of okra, like its protection against trans fats.